My publications

  • RepFD - Using reputation systems to detect failures in large dynamic networks, in: 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2015), Beijing, China, 2015 , Véron Maxime, Marin Olivier, Monnet Sébastien and Sens Pierre [PDF]
  • Etude des services de matchmaking dans les jeux mutlijoueurs en ligne: récupérer les traces utilisateur afin d'améliorer l'expérience de jeu, Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet and Pierre Sens (2015), in: Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI)(To be published)
  • Matchmaking dans les jeux mutlijoueurs en ligne : etudier les traces utilisateurs pour ameliorer l’experience de jeu, Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin and Sébastien Monnet, in: Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, 2014 [PDF]
  • Matchmaking in multi-player on-line games: studying user traces to improve the user experience, Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin and Sébastien Monnet, in: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Network and OS Support for Digital A/V, Singapore, 2014 [PDF]
  • Towards a scalable refereeing system for online gaming (journal version), Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet and Zahia Guessoum (2014), in: Multimedia Systems [PDF]
  • Vers un système d'arbitrage décentralisé pour les jeux en ligne, Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet and Zahia Guessoum, in: ComPAS/Renpar, Grenoble, France, 2013 [PDF]
  • Towards a scalable refereeing system for online gaming, Maxime Véron, Olivier Marin, Sébastien Monnet and Zahia Guessoum, in: 11th International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames'2012) (Poster), Venice, Italy, 2012
  • [PDF]


  • Integration of MARS-P2P into minecraft for two small tech demos: video where cheat isn't detected, and the video where cheat is detected and blocked with MARS-P2P.
  • Replay system of the P2P gaming platform: video. I held a role of supervisor for this replay system of Yannick Badoual.
  • Database dump available of more than 100 planetlab nodes pings over 4 days, every 500ms all to all communications : link (14.8GB)
  • Database available of more than 18 million League of Legends public content related to the NOSSDAV 2014 Paper : link (1.9GB)
  • New smaller database of the League of Legends informations,easier to query available with its crawling code related to the NOSSDAV 2014 Paper : link (1.0GB)
  • The description of the full schema of the games stored in the database : link